Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

When I was a kid my brothers and I would spend New Year’s Eve at my Gubby’s.
 Along with the World War II air horn and the reserve horde of firecrackers from the 4th of July our celebrations included making and writing down resolutions.

My Grandma had a folder for each one of the grandchildren that held a record of resolutions from past years. It was usually more fun to look back at old resolutions than actually writing the new ones.
One that I remember was to “learn to beat up my brothers”...I mostly attained that one.
 Other goals were school based, but most were pretty object related. For example, “get an American Girl Doll”.

My goals now days rarely contain beating people up. However, I do try and include things that I feel will better myself (as much as I wish an American Girl Doll would better the human condition I'm not sure that would cut it).

Some of my goals this year include:

De-junk and de-clutter
Start drawing again
Study more consistantly
Highten awarness of others
Train Aussie to not jump on people

Two of the biggest are REDUCE STRESS and SIMPLIFY

I even took some advice from the dove chocolate I was eating
What can I say I take it where I can get it

I hope that 2011 is filled with fun, family, and all things good.

1 comment:

D and C said...

I love you. This post rocked. I love your blog.