Thursday, December 31, 2009

Something to drink to

I find it difficult to avoid the process of reflection at this time of year. As much as the transition into a new year may feel like an arbitrary measure of time, the urge to reflect upon the past and imagine the future seems to trickle in to every thought.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about focus. Where are my attentions being paid? To my family? My religion? My work? I have concluded that my focus has of late been skewed and, like my husband, I need to re-focus the lights on the stage. I am trying to move into a practice of greater multi-mindedness, both in my daily dealings as well as in my broader pursuits. Such as re-instituting habits that I’ve neglected. I need to write and study more often. I need to constructively challenge myself. I am no longer a single college student. I need to constantly push myself to more extroverted thinking.

I am open to development and change; however it is so easy to go for stretches of time without questioning whether I and/or my family are moving forward. As of late I have found myself so immersed in work and the pursuit of licensure that I feel that I am neglecting the other aspects of life that make it well rounded and full.

My New Year’s resolution is not built of a list, but of a concept, broaden my focus and my prospective.

Here is to the New Year! May it bring the best out of us all. *Cheers*

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