Thursday, June 9, 2011

Take responsibility

The secret of Happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom, Courage. Thucydides

One of my favorite mottos is “you can’t control the people or the circumstances around you, but you can control how you respond to them."

For example, there are certain people in this world who just annoy me, and there always will be. I can choose to always let that ruin my day (which would be a lot of perfectly good days gone to waste), or I can choose to accept them for who they are and move on.

If I gave someone the power to make my day a good one or a bad one where is my freedom? I would be bound by the will (or sheer stupidity) of others. I will not give over that power, because that to me is the ultimate annoyance.

That kind of freedom does take courage. If I choose to not blame another for the crappy day I had then I have no choice but to take responsibility for it myself. That is defiantly not the easier way, but it sure gives me a lot more options.


peterson6 said...

I am loving your words of wisdom. Where did you find them, and how do I aquire my own? I love the deeping thinking process if only I could do it more often. Mostly I am thinking "what can I feed my family without making a mess of my kitchen?" Silly I know! Keep the words coming I love it!!!!!

KingFlitton said...

LOL! They come from my head and experience...You have your own to be sure. How is that baby cooking by the way? Is he done yet?