Monday, June 20, 2011

Develop Your Talents

"The more passions and desires one has, the
more ways one has of being happy."

A lot of my friends call me Jack. “Jack?” you say, “Why Jack?” Well, from what has been explained to me is that it was derived from the phrase “Jack of all trades.” Still confussed? So am I.

I am a curious person and I love to learn…I also must admit that I get bored pretty easily. Because of these facts I have dabbled in many different genera of experiences. A small example: Since a young age I have been curious about different cultures. I wanted to immerse myself in all of them. But having grown up in a middle class home in the middle of the American West I didn’t get many opportunities to do so. My solution? Dance. I learned as many different dance forms I could get my hands…or feet into. From Pointe I learned the refined discipline of Victorian Europe. In Capoeira I learned the strength of the Brazilian people. I’ve learned to jig like the Irish, Salsa and Cha Cha like the Cubans, Swing like an American, Shimmy like a native Moroccan, and even walk like an Egyptian. You name it I have done or would love to learn it.

The same curiosity I have for dance and culture has translated into most parts of my life. And by so doing I have found talents that I didn’t know existed and in so doing I have found a lot of things that give me joy.

A word of warning: Be careful with your curiosity. Monitor what your curiosity is and if it fits with your values and morals first. As you may know, curiosity did kill the cat after all. And curiosity is a road that if not monitored with constant map checking can get a person lost.

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