Friday, December 31, 2010

Catching up

Seeing as the New Year is upon us (literally) I figure I would catch up on the blog.

Earlier this month the Flitton clan went to Hogel Zoo for Zoo lights.

And boy was it cold

The boys, of course, had to make a plan

Along the way was a reindeer crossing
(They were alot smaller than I expected)

There were also some pretty fun light displays
(This one was my favorite)

And of course we had to messure ourselves against the gorillas

(Brett, Bonnie, Burke, and Kamerie)

(Adam and me)

Overall it was a good time. It’s always fun when we get together.

I was disappointed that there were not many animals out.
Apparently there are not many that are night or cold weather friendly. We did see some cool tigers; sadly, those pictures did not work out to well.


maryflitton said...

Hey! Great pictures. Didn't we have fun. Cold noses but warm hearts. Thanks for the fun. Sara, you always do such a good job. Oh, what a great family. I especially like how we measure up to the gorilla pictures.

Liz said...

You guys seem to have all the fun once we are sad :(